4 Ways to Prevent Body Shame

4 Ways to Prevent Body Shame

Body shame is a topic that I am really passionate about because it affects everyone. I am so proud to be part of a generation that I feel is challenging the narrow, exclusive definition of "beauty" and the objectification of women. I have been working to develop a more positive relationship with my body, and guys, let me tell you, it is life-changing. I wanted to share some of the things I've learned that have helped me change my mindset for the better. Maybe they can help you too! 

Remember that beauty fads come and go. Have you guys seen that BuzzFeed video "Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History"? (If you haven't, go watch it now! Click here.)  This video is so great because you can see just how quickly and drastically body expectations can change.  It's a good reminder that just like fashion, "beautiful" bodies and faces change and evolve too. Ask the girls with booties how they felt about their bodies just 10 years ago! (I can tell you, booties were not in. Not fun for me.)  Basing our self-worth off of something as volatile and subjective as current beauty standards is just a bad bet. If we recognize trends as trends and not as truth, it's easier to not put so much stock in them. 

Police your media intake or do a social media fast. You might not realize how much the marketing and advertising you see everyday is affecting you. Pay attention to who you're following online. If you can't help but compare yourself to the content you're seeing and it's making you feel inadequate, unfollow or take a break. Even well-meaning, positive people can run accounts that can be triggering for you. Be choosy about who and what you're letting into you life. Personally, I like to try and pick a day every week where I cut way back on my media consumption. I try not to get online, watch TV, or check my social media. It helps me stay connected to myself and what I want, instead of feeling pressure to conform to what I'm seeing through the media.

Appreciate what your body can do, don't focus solely on how it looks. This is the hardest one for me, but practicing gratitude for your body is a game-changer. The next time you're out and about, thank your legs and feet for carrying you. Thank you eyes for seeing the beautiful world around you. Heck, even thank your taste buds for helping you enjoy your food! One of the things I love about exercising is seeing what my body is capable of. I enjoy the challenge of pushing myself and I'm always surprised at my body can do! I am thankful everyday that I can move my body. I promise you that if you look for it, you can find something to appreciate about your body too.

Find a way to love your body that isn't based on conventional beauty standards. Growing up in a small town in Montana, no one else looked like me. My dad is Caucasian and my mom is Asian. There weren't any other Asians for miles, let alone anyone who was half-and-half. I know what it's like to feel that you look different. As I've gotten older, I've learned to embrace my unique features because they connect me to my heritage and remind me of where I come from. I love that I can see my family in myself. Find a way to love how you look because you're unique and you're you

Having positive body image isn’t believing your body looks good; it is believing your body is good, regardless of how it looks. It isn’t thinking you are beautiful; it is knowing you are more than beautiful. It is understanding that your body is an instrument for you use, not an ornament to be admired.
— Dr. Lindsay Kite from @beauty-redefined

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