Must-Have Baby Products: Round 1
Hey mamas!
Now that it's been 4 months with my little guy, I thought I'd share the products we absolutely cannot live without! Each of these are ones we use all the time and NONE of them are sponsored (even though I wish they were!). I am a firm believer that you should never share something you don't actually use and love!
1. Owlet Baby Monitor: Julius had an episode when he was 1 month old where he STOPPED breathing and we had to rush him to the ER. Thankfully, I was right next to him when it happened so I could get help right away but I shuddered to think what would have happened if I wasn't right there. Needless to say, I got one of these the very next day. It's pricey but it's worth it to know you'll get an alert if your baby's levels drop below normal. The peace of mind it brings is priceless.
2. Bassinet: I might be a clingy mom but I LOVE LOVE LOVE co-sleeping. Plus, having your baby right next to you means that dream feeds are a breeze because you never have to get out of bed! Again, they're not cheap, but boy is it worth it to be more rested!
3. Haaka Breast Pump: Let me just say this, this will be the best $13 you ever spend on baby stuff. Seriously, it was the one thing I never knew I needed! I was having such a problem with pumping but I suctioned this on to catch my letdown and it was magic! All of a sudden I had 1-2 ounces of letdown milk that had previously just been soaking my breastpad! And as any mama knows, there's nothing worse than wasted breastmilk!
4. Momcozy Wireless Breastpump: I got this pump to use at work and I love it! It's super affordable, quiet, and because you don't have to plug it into a wall outlet, you can use it just about anywhere!
5. Swaddleme Swaddles: Julius has been sleeping in these for months now and they're so much easier than wrapping him up in a normal swaddle. Plus, it's more secure, especially if you have a Houdini-baby like I do!
6. Frida Nose Sucker: It's a cult classic for a reason. There's nothing better (or grosser) than successfully sucking out those boogers. It's sick but effective and now you're a mom, you've got to get it.
7. Snuggleme Organic: I swear this sleeper is infused with sleep dust. It makes your baby feel safe and snuggled, just like the womb! It was the only thing Julius would nap in for the first 3 months.
8. Comotomo Bottles: Each baby is particular about bottles but Julius and I both love these! Their slow flow nipples and soft, grippy bottoms make for a perfect combination!
9. Boon Grass Bottle Drying Rack: I thought I didn't need this. I put it off for months and left my bottles drying on towels on the counters. Then my OCD self couldn't handle it anymore and I caved. It is so cute and so functional and looks WAY better on your counter than paper towels :)