Bump Day!

Hi and welcome to another episode of Stranger...oh wait, I meant Bump Day! Here are the answers to my most asked questions of the week!

  • Are you showing? I think so but if you didn't know me then you might not be able to tell. I also like to wear loose tops so that makes it tricky. 
  • Who do you think the baby will look like? I think he will look 90% like Jordan and maybe have some features from me...like my nose or earlobes or something.
  • Are you wearing maternity clothes yet? Yes. But that's a trick question because I wore maternity clothing before I was pregnant because maternity clothes rock! Seriously, be on the look out for an entire post dedicated to my feelings on this. 
  • What was the first thing you bought for your baby? A stuffed panda, haha! I blame my hormones. 
  • Fun fact: My #1 pregnancy pet peeve is when people ask you what you are going to name your child and you tell them...and then they proceed to tell you why they don't like your name ideas. Unsolicited. Ew. I hate it. 
  • Are you going on a babymoon? Yes! Jordan is taking me to California!! Wahoo!!

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