Fun Facts about Baby Craig
This is such big news for us, and definitely a lot for me to process, but we are so excited! Here are the answers to my top asked questions!
What was your first reaction when you found out?
I was nervous! I did that nervous giggle thing. It didn't feel real and most days, (except the really nauseous ones,) it still doesn't feel real.
How did you tell Jordan?
I didn't have to. He was right there with me. In fact, he wanted to be the first one to know, so he checked the test before I did!
What are you most excited for?
Probably to see Jordan become a dad. He is so great with babies, (wahoo!) and he already loves our little gummy bear so much. I can only imagine what he'll be like when he sees them in person!
What are you most nervous about?
Having a healthy baby. There are so many things to think about, and I'm sure most new moms worry about this same thing. What has calmed me though is the knowledge that I'm doing my best, but there really are no guarantees, so I have to take every day I get and be grateful for it.
Are you finding out gender?
Yes, we will be finding out this next month!
What do you think you're having?
At first I was convinced I was having twins but there's only one in there! And since there's only one, I think 1000% that I'm having a I can only think of girl names, I'm already planning a girl nursery, I already call the bean in my stomach a "she." However, I've never been right on a hunch, so that makes me second guess my opinion. I guess we'll have to wait and see!
Any weird food cravings?
Right now I'm loving In-N-Out fries. Not just any french fries. They have to be from In-N-Out, with ketchup. YUMMM. (Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. Although if In-N-Out is reading this and wants to sponsor me, this pregnant lady would be totally into that.)
Any foods you're hating?
For my entire first trimester I had what is called "flesh aversion," (which is gross name anyway,) but it means that I couldn't stomach any kind of meat. Especially smoked meats like BBQ - BLECH! So yeah, Arby's commercials were about the worst thing on television. People would ask me how I got my protein in, and the truth of is that I think my baby probably had to take it from my muscles (goodbye #gains) because it wasn't getting much of anything except carbs, haha.
What has been the hardest thing so far about pregnancy?
Trying to survive without caffeine - haha, but seriously. I know I can have it in smaller doses, but I'm the type of person that if I started I couldn't stop, so I had to go cold turkey and I was feelin' it, and not in a good way. I've just been SO TIRED all the time. I decided to give myself 100% freedom to sleep and lounge as much as I want to! Literally, when I get home from work I just lay down for hours guilt free. Ahhhh...Best decision so far!
Any other tips to help a new mama out? I keep hearing that the second trimester is the best part, so here's to hoping!