Costco's Best Kept Secret

If you know, then YOU KNOW. But for those of you who don't, let me let you in on the best kept secret of Costco. 

Yes, you heard me right, COSTCO. Not only do they sell food in bulk and offer free samples but they also happen to make my favorite sweatpants. Each year they release a slightly different version of these same sweats and all are equally comfortable and inexpensive. Seriously, I'm talking $12. Okay, $13 with tax but still!


You can wear them around the house to chill in or dress them up (like I did in this post) and become atheleisure chic in no time.


**This post is not sponsored by Costco although if they're reading this and want to sponsor me, holla at yo girl. I could use an unlimited supply of free samples**

lifestyleClaire Craig