Valentines Day Bumpdate


Happy love day! I know a lot of people don't like Valentine's Day but I think a little more love never hurt anyone :) Here's a little bump update!

How far along are you: 33 almost 34 weeks!

Size of baby: He's the size of a pineapple! About 17 inches and 4 pounds. 

Total Weight Gain: 21 pounds

Stretch Marks: Yep! But I've been drinking collagen and water to try and take care my skin from the inside as well as moisturizing every morning and night.

Sleep: I'm actually sleeping really well. The only times it's hard is when he gets hiccups in the middle of the night. 

Baby's Movement: He's calmed down a LITTLE bit but he's still super active, especially at night. 

Belly button: Starting the transition from an innie to an outie

Contractions: Same as last time. Only Braxton Hicks and nothing consistent.

Workouts: I'm still able to do almost everything. I just modify all my movements and listen to my body so I don't push myself too hard. 

Mood: A lot more steady this week. I'm definitely still clingy (sorry Jordan haha) though and need to be reassured like 5 times a day that he loves me. 

lifestyleClaire Craig