Laundry Makeover


I like to think I’m a pretty laid back mom (haha I wish) but now that Julius is to the age where he can put things in his mouth, I’ve been so concerned that he’ll get into some of our laundry products. I knew that there had been a big problem with kids and those little packets and my worst fear would be for Julius to ingest something toxic.

Not knowing where to start, I was so excited to work with Buckaroo Organics (a fellow friend from Montana) who was able to give me a laundry room makeover starter kit. I think my favorite thing aside from the suds was the cute set of dryer balls! I’ve heard some pretty bad things about regular dryer sheets so I was excited to try them!

I loved how they worked. They even seems to help my bulkier items like sheets dry better! So seriously, if you have a little (or even if you don’t), Buckaroo Organics is worth trying out! You’ll get incredible smelling laundry without any of the toxic chemicals! Win!

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lifestyleClaire Craig