#36weeks Bump Date
Hello lovelies! Thanks for checking in again!
How far along are you: 36 weeks
Effacement/Dilation: As of my last appointment, I'm 50% effaced and about a 1/2 cm dilated.
Size of baby: He's the size of a head of Romaine lettuce! About 19 inches and 6 pounds...although after writing that, I don't think I've ever felt a 6 pound head of lettuce...that would be enormous.
Total Weight Gain: 23 pounds if I'm weighing myself first thing in the morning after I've gone to the bathroom and am stark naked. 25 if it's under any other condition.
Stretch Marks: I started to get a few but continued to drink my gallon of water and moisturize morning and night AND I started drinking Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides (No I'm not paid to promote them but I wish I was cuz this stuff is expensive AF) and I swear the marks that started have now faded.
Sleep: All of a sudden I've become a complete night owl. I used to go to bed at 10pm and now it's never before 11:30! I've also started to have the WEIRDEST dreams. Like last night...I had a dream that I found a really soft hedgehog on a hike and took him home only to find out he was a magical hedgehog who could talk and would make shooting stars for you he liked you...like I said, WEIRD.
Baby's Movement: He's still moving around like crazy and punching me in the bladder all the time.
Contractions: Nothing consistent. My Braxton Hicks have calmed way down unless I'm exercising.
Workouts: It really depends on the day and I just try to listen to my body. Yesterday I napped for 2 hours and couldn't do anything and today I was able to do my favorite HIIT circuit class. I aim for at least 30 mins of exercise every day (and meet that about 90% of the time)...unless it's a day like yesterday where I literally felt like death was preferable to moving.
Energy Levels: Let's talk about being "pregnancy tired." It's a thing. It's like this never-been-this-physically-exhausted-in-my-life kind of tired. Literally like someone has drained all the blood from your body and you're just this exhausted shell of a human. Haha and this is BEFORE the baby even gets here hahah.
Mood: I'm having some serious social anxiety/insecurity issues. Like I think every female in my life hates me...including my mom (spoiler alert, she doesn't). Yesterday I almost didn't go out to dinner for my sister-in-law's birthday because I was convinced she wouldn't like the present I got her. My husband had to talk me down and assure me that everything was fine and even if she didn't like it, it would be okay. Bless his heart.