Co-sleeping with BabyBay


I admire my mother and her dedication to motherhood so much. Now that I'm expecting my own child, I've been asking her tons of questions about how she cared for me (and my two brothers!) and why she did it that way. My mom shared a bed with all three of us. She's Chinese and Japanese and bedsharing is pretty common in Asian culture. She felt it was important to have us close and it made nursing easier for her. I had been considering bedsharing with Julius but was really struggling to figure out how to do it in a way I felt was safe. We have a memory foam mattress and I love it, but memory foam is not a recommended surface for bedsharing.

I knew I didn't want to put Julius in a separate room, but I was struggling to find a middle ground between bedsharing and Julius sleeping alone in his nursery. I remember saying to my husband "I just wish someone would invent a little half-moon shaped thing that you could attach to your bed." Enter BabyBay. I gasped out loud when I first saw the website! BabyBay is exactly what I had been looking for. I love the idea of being able to see my baby, reach out and touch him, and pick him up and nurse him, all while lying in my bed. I think it will make my delivery recovery much more comfortable and help me relax because I'll be able to see that he's safe.

Additionally, I am a strong believer in not buying junk. I was looking for investment pieces that could last a lifetime and Babybay was exactly that. It was like Babybay had read my mind and created the ideal product for me. BabyBay is an inspired product and I'm excited at the idea of being a brand ambassador for such a wonderful company!

Co-sleeping (baby in bed with you) has been practiced for years - and still is, largely in Asian cultures. However, they didn't have our fluffy mattress, duvets, and modern lifestyle. Baby Bay lets you room share with your baby (which helps reduce SIDS and increase breastfeeding success) without you having to have baby directly in bed with you. Baby Bay supports you in having the close, responsive relationship and I cannot wait to try co-sleeping with Julius.


lifestyleClaire Craig